Welcome, welcome, welcome to the third ever Media Mondays. I am here to review something that I have been waiting to review for you since like forever....totes. You might know, from the first ever Media Mondays that I enjoy the ABC Drama Nashville a lot. You might also know that the show recently had its season finale for its second season and it was #EPIC! And we #Nashies are on for a 22 episode season 3 which we almost didn't get due to budget cuts. You also might know that Nashville has some of the best music in any genre, and if you think it is confined to purely country, yo are wrong because it has a lot of diversity in sound from good ole hill billy music, to ethereal love ballads, to rocking out "Go to Hell!" songs.

One thing I would like to point out is that if you go to Target, they offer a deluxe edition of the album with 21 songs, including some never-before-released ones, and coming from the person that bought it, I will say that the extra money was completely worth it. But, if you are so inclined to go the cheaper route, those songs which are included on the regular iTunes version of the album are started.
I am going to do something different with this review, and categorize each song into a different genre and/or subgenre of coutnry music in order to prove my point that Nashville has music for almost every taste.
Track Listing
***1. He Aint Gonna Change ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
***2. I Ain't Leaving Without Your Love ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
***3. Believing ~ Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)
4. Hurtin' On Me ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
***5. Lately ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor). Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott)
6. Wrong for the Right Reasons ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James)
7. Everything I'll Ever Need ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
***8. Joy Parade ~ Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)
9. Come Find Me ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
***10. It's On Tonight ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Will Chase (Luke Wheeler)
11. Hennessee ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
***12. It All Slows Down ~ Aubrey Peeples (Layla Grant)
***13. Is That Who I Am ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
***14. This Time ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James)
***15. Black Roses ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
16. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
17. A Life That's Good ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)
18. Carry You Home ~ Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton)
19. Then I Was Loved By You ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
20. Falling ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
21. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet [Orchestral Version] ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
***1. He Aint Gonna Change ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes): 5/10: I think this song really wasn't needed on the album of the show itself, I suppose it was included because it's the only Rayna/Juliette song that was meant to try and have the same success that "Wrong Song" had, but I just don't like it too much. The lyrics are generally bland, and what one would cinsider sterotypical country music. The vocals aren't particularly stunning, there aren't many high notes, or particularly inrtiguing riffs. I truly think this was uneeded in the album, and especially as the first song.
***2. I Ain't Leaving Without Your Love ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley): 8/10: Most of my opinions on this song can be found on Nashville On the Record: Media Mondays (1) because there isn't a huge difference between the live version and studio. I will say that I like the trio (Avery/Gunnar/Zoey) better because of this song.
***3. Believing ~ Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad): 9/10: I absolutely fell in love with this song when it first aired on the show last January, and almost forogt about it because it wasn't offered on iTunes or Spotify, I believe so vieweres would specifically have tobuy the album. Any song with Lennon and Maisy in it is Stellar (get it, because their last name is Stella), but adding Deacon into it made it even better, especially with the certain turn of events that commenced while the song played. Lennon and Charles's voices harmonized beautifully, and I positively adored Maisy in this song, even if her only parts were "ooooooh, ooooooh" and "you keep me believing".
4. Hurtin' On Me ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington): 6.75/10: I never really liked the songs Chris sang on the show until the second half came along. I know "What If I Was Willing" was a big hit on both the show and real life, but I never saw what made it so popular. This song is very generic 'guy' country music, but I like it a lot anywway, and I had a fun time embarassing myself while dancing wildly as it played.
***5. Lately ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor). Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott): 4/10: I'm truly sorry, but I never liked this song. I didn't like it when I first heard it on the show performed for Kelly Clarkson. I didn't like it when it came on Spotify. I don't like it now. So much pressure is put on a 'Scarllett and Gunnar Song', and this just isn't one, at least in my personal opinion. The lyrics, seem too lovey dovey, and there aren't any very unique notes sang throughout the song.
"Think of all the morning stars you would have missed....
if you hadn't weathered through the dead of night.
Every single heartbeat you didn't skip....
was the answer why."
6. Wrong for the Right Reasons ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James): 9/10: Don't ask me why, I'm still trying to figure it out myself, but there is this pattern with Connie Britton songs and myself. When I first hear them on the show, or even the second and third time after, I don't like them because I think she doesn't have much vocal range. But something, after a while makes me fall in the love the Connie Britton Specials. For one, the lyrics are usually very inspirational, and for another, she usually builds up from the beginning and ends spectacularly.
"Even if you think you're at a standstill....
even when you've got not place to call home.
Everyone goes past you running uphill....
just be here.
You don't have to understand the if and when....
you just need to understand it's part of life.
Never certain where you're going.... but you'll always arrive"
7. Everything I'll Ever Need ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley): 7/10: This is frankly just a sweet love song between two people, obviously Juliette and Avery. The circumstances of the song were sweet as well because it was at a point in the show where Juliette was getting a lot of hate from people, so Avery took her busking to prove that people liked her actually for her voice instead of the glitter and teen pop stuff.
"I will hope and I will love.
I will give 'til there's enough.
That's the life I'm dreaming of,
I won't give up."
***8. Joy Parade ~ Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad): 9/10: So this song has been on repeat so much that my mom thought it had been around since like 2009, or some previous year that was obviously not this one -THAT is how much I had been listening to this song even before I purchased the CD. It's not the best Lennon & Maisy song, it was actually quite ordinary when I first heard it, but now I love it just because of its positive message and ability to make me happy.
"I will bend and I will sway
I will fight to stand up straight,
When troubled winds blow my way,
I won't break."
"I will stumble, I will crawl.
Bang my head against these walls.
In the end I won't have it all,
But I'll stand tall."
9. Come Find Me ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor): 10/10: Holy sweet mother of something. This song is so good. I think we all remember the episode this was sung on, and how much all of us #Nashies wanted this to go on iTunes. It was literally only a one minute clip between Scarlett and Liam (by the way, I shipped them), but it was magical all the same. While watching the "On the Record" segment about this song, was the fact that this song was a really big step for Scarlett, branching off of her usual comfort zone.
***10. It's On Tonight ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Will Chase (Luke Wheeler): 7/10: Country Disco. That is what my mother called this song. I don't know if #Nashies should be offended.... or glad with this interpretation of "It's On Tonight." Basically, it is a rocking country trio between Luke, Will, and Deacon, that is along the lines of Florida Georgia Line and Luke Bryan's single -This is How We Roll. It is a fun, get up and dance song with classic male country lyrics.
11. Hennessee ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley): 5/10: This is the song I did not like from the trio very much because the words weren't very distinct and I couldn't hear the individual voices as much as I would have liked.
***12. It All Slows Down ~ Aubrey Peeples (Layla Grant): 6/10: I admit, I like the song, it's nice, it's catchy, but it is totally tween music. This is EXACTLY what Juliette was trying to break away from the entire season, and her counterpart does this song. The lyrics, are just about some love story (I'm assuming Layla and Will's), and are not at all unique. Aubrey has only had three songs on Season Two -Gonna Get Even, Tell Me, and It All Slows Down- all of those songs were classic tween songs, and that was the purpose, I believe, but during the acoustic version of "Tell Me" you can definitely 'tell' that she has a voice and a lot of potential for the show.
"I've always been broken underneath my smile,
So you thought that I was happy for a while,
If I'm being honest I didn't stand a chance,
Is that who I am?"
***13. Is That Who I Am ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington) 10/10: This *might* be my favorite song on the entire album because it shows a very different side of Will. This is all about how he is gay, and that is who he is. Yet, he can't tell anybody for fear of ruining his image. Some of the lyrics just hit home, for me, and people that struggle with their identity and who they are -so basically, every teenager on this planet.
"Staring at my shadow for way too long,
If I never did nothing then nothing could go wrong,
I've always been singing, I never had a song,
Is that who I am?"
***14. This Time ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James): 7/10: This was the first single we hear off of Rayna's album (the one the entirety of Highway 65 is depending on), and it is a rockin single. It's unlike a lot of her other songs, such as "Buried Under," "Wrong Song," "The End of the Day," "Stronger Than Me," "Ball and Chain," and "Wrong for the Right Reasons." It has this edge to it, and a catchiness some of her others haven't had. Personally, my feelings were mixed when I first listened to it, but I am happy to say I now love it.
"I can see your eyes,
staring into mine,but it's a battlefield and I'm on the other side.
You can throw your words,sharper than a knife,
and leave me cold, in another house on fire."
***15. Black Roses ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor): 10/10: All my feelings are found on my review of "Nashville On the Record," but basically, this is the best song on the entire album and the entire show. The emotion conveyed, the narrative, the backstory. All and every element of it is incredible and leaves goosebumps on my skin every single time.
"And I'm done trying to be the one picking up the broken pieces
And I'm done trying to be the one who says I love you dear but I'm leaving
Now you only bring me black roses and they crumble into dust when they're held
Now you only bring me black roses but I'm not under your spell"
16. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes) 8/10: This was a firecracker song that Juliette and Avery wrote together that was basically saying "Go to Hell" to all of country music. Besides that, there are great vocals, lyrics, and instruments.
17. A Life That's Good ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad): 9/10: I think a lot of us have also heard this one, I mean it is the best narrative/heartfelt song that on the show. It was originally sung by Maddie and Daphne, as a cover of Deacon's song, and when the four of them go to Fort Campbell, it's magical. I personally do not like Rayna singing on the record quite as much as the girls and Deacon, but she does give it more perspective.
18. Carry You Home ~ Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton): 9/10: Zoey. Zoey. Zoey. You have blown us away again. I am not that into churchy hymns, but "Wayfaring Stranger" was one of the most honest and pure songs we have had on the show, so I was very glad to have another inspirational ballad.
"I was lost as lost could be,
I was running aimlessly....
down a road that only leads to nowhere fast
Couldn't no one slow me down....
lift me up on solid ground
Yeah our love was nothing more than broken glass,
Then I was loved by you."
19. Then I Was Loved By You ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington): 8/10: I really enjoy this song, but something about it makes me wish it was sung a little more acousticly. I know there is just a guitar and maybe some other instrument, and I love the lyrics, but I wish it was a little more pure like "Is that Who I Am"
"I've been a mover and a shaker....
a sinner and a taker....
a big mistake maker all my life,
I was a sucker for the good times,
A crosser of the straight line,
A shadow in the sunshine and I was blind,
Then I was loved by you."
20. Falling ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor): 9/10: This is bad, but I actually don't remember when this song was sung on the show -I believe for the stock holder's showcase, but I could be totally wrong. I don't believe this song was written by Scarlett, but if it was, it is a perfect song for her and Gunnar, and especially her and Avery, because like she said in Your Good Girl is Gonna Go Bad [episode 20] Avery was her first love, and was there for her when her mother was being.... out of the ordinary.
"I thought things couldn't get much worse
But guess what they did
You hit my heart upside with a wrecking ball
Oh but that's what I get
But I'm not going nowhereI can live on my prayers
'Cause I'm done playin' nice
I'm done running for life
'Cause you think that you got me scared"
21. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet [Orchestral Version] ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes): 10/10: I actually enjoy the orchestral version better than the original, because it seems even more sultry to myself, and the circumstances in They Don't Make Em' Like Daddy Anymore [episode 15] were quite unusual.
Stand Up and Dance Country Music
***2. I Ain't Leaving Without Your Love ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
11. Hennessee ~ Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott). Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
***14. This Time ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James)
Classic Country
4. Hurtin' On Me ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
***10. It's On Tonight ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Will Chase (Luke Wheeler)
Soulful Ethereal Ballads
***5. Lately ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor). Sam Palladio (Gunnar Scott)
***15. Black Roses ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
20. Falling ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
Acoustic Narratives
***3. Believing ~ Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)
9. Come Find Me ~ Clare Bowen (Scarlett O'Connor)
***13. Is That Who I Am ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
Love songs
7. Everything I'll Ever Need ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes). Jonathan Jackson (Avery Barkley)
18. Carry You Home ~ Chaley Rose (Zoey Dalton)
19. Then I Was Loved By You ~ Chris Carmack (Will Lexington)
My Personal Favorites:
6. Wrong for the Right Reasons ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James)
***8. Joy Parade ~ Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)
21. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet [Orchestral Version] ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
My Not-So-Favorites
***1. He Aint Gonna Change ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
***12. It All Slows Down ~ Aubrey Peeples (Layla Grant)
16. Don't Put Dirt On My Grave Just Yet ~ Hayden Panettiere (Juliette Barnes)
17. A Life That's Good ~ Connie Britton (Rayna James). Charles Esten (Deacon Claybourne). Lennon & Maisy Stella (Maddie & Daphne Conrad)