Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reasons I Love Being a Blogger/Reader: Top 10 Tuesday (5)

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme and weekly event posted every week on (OMG) Tuesdays by The Broke and Bookish. I know my reasons are a little cliche, but they are absolutely true, and the reasons why I love being a blogger/reader. Something I love is quotes, and I already have a Pinterest board for quotes from books and quotes about books (weird me). I have a quote next to each applicable reason to help express myself.
1. When I read books, I can escape from my life, I can't tell you how many times I have been stressed out about school, but then I pick up a book, and in a matter of minutes, I have forgotten about everything else in this universe. Reading for me is freedom, no one judges you when you read. Unlike with almost everything else in life, like shopping or even doing homework, people can't judge you.There is no right or wrong way to read, no one can tell you to hold the book by the corners with two hands. Reading let's me forget, and get lost into a world so much greater than my own. I can be a dragon slayer, I can save the prince stuck in the tower (yes, I did say prince), I can defeat the evil-doer. I experience things no one else can or will.

2. Books have helped me discover who I am. When I read something that strikes me, or when I relate to something a character is going through, or when I disagree with a decision a character has made. I am not in college yet, but I believe any adolescent, between the ages of 13 to 21 can relate to this. At that tender age, you are just finding out who you are as a person, and books help pave the way to the person that you want to become.

3. The characters in books are my role models. I am not saying that I don't have good role models in my life, what I am saying is that sometimes, when at that pesky adolescent age, when you don't want to listen to your parents, or anyone else, there are book characters. Book characters, especially in dystopian books, are portrayed as beings larger-than-life. And that is just what you need. Someone else with an entirely different perspective. This ties back to how books have helped me discover who I am. They're decisions, they're choices, they're actions, all of it is what helps me develop.
4. This is contradictory to what I just said about books being larger than life, but there are also books that help you express what you can't in your own words. Sometimes when a character is so relatable, either because of a family member with a serious medical condition, or a piercing heart break is what you need. Every teenager has gone through the stage in their life when they feel like they don't belong, and they aren't sure who they are. Book characters have shown me, and others that they are not alone. Like Matilda, my 3rd grade role model.
5.  Along with characters being role models, the authors are the bigger ones. They are the mostly unsung heroes. They are the ones that hold the story in the palm of their hands. Authors live their lives in their heads, locked up in a world that is purely their own. What's amazing to me is like the quote says, it's an endless combination of 26 letters. Letters with the power to make me cry, laugh, get angry, and every other emotion under the sun.
Blogger (now that I am done with all of that heart-felt sappy stuff): 
6. As a blogger with modern technology, I can talk to anyone I want to. I have two friends I have made over twitter that live in AUSTRALIA. The people down-under that are 18 hours ahead of my timezone. I think that is amazing enough that I can tweet them a question from half way across the world, and they can respond within seconds. I believe we sometimes take for granted this technology that allows world-wide communication, wherever you're from.
7. I have found people that are my kind of crazy. At school, I don't have any body that is as crazy as a fangirl as myself, but the moment I log onto twitter, I know I have people and friends that I can count on. We may sound crazy and insane to other people as we gush about how swoon-worthy a character is, but we understand each other in our language known as book-loving.
8. The authors. Through blogging, I have found a new appreciation for their craft, and learned that they're just like real people. The best part is that there isn't any discrimination when it comes to the reader. Whether they're black, white, Asian, or Indian. Whether they're Atheist, Christian, or Muslim. Extremely young or old or even dead. As long as they have a good story to tell, I will read regardless of who they are.
9.  I can express myself. I often get angered about school, and how the writing isn't fun, and not what I want to do, but with my blog it doesn't matter. I used to pray to have book reports (only kid on the block) so I could share my thoughts with my reluctant class. Now, I have people that read my gushing, my disinterest, my swooning, and everything. Book blogging is THE BEST extra-curricular writing I have ever done.
10. {Disclaimer: I, in no way, started blogging to try and get ARCs or free books. I didn't even know what an ARC was until about half a month into blogging} The books I get sent, As a blogger, I am able to participate in blog tours, where people GIVE ME BOOKS and all I have to do is tell my thoughts about it, which I already would have done, but people actually READ my thoughts.


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