Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Fools: Feature and Follow Friday (3)

Feature and Follow Friday -hosted by Alison @ Alison Can Read and Rachel @ Parajunkee- is a blog hop that's goal is to have to participants gain more followers and friends. So if I were to follow you, and leave a comment telling you that, it would be considered polite to follow me back and comment as well. 

Here's the thing about me: I don't do pranks. I'm not saying I don't have a sense of humor, or can't laugh. Quite on the contrary, I have finally started using sarcasm, a skill that should have been mastered the moment I became a teenager. I just don't play pranks on people, in fact my entire April Fool's Day was extremely uneventful. But someone did play a prank....on me.

"There I was, wandering through life....okay, maybe hanging out waiting for lunch to be over so I could go to my last period and be done with school for the day. Anyway, my friend and I had been waiting for a long time to get our acceptance, or rejection letters to a STEM science camp we had both applied for. Only one out of several girls were going to be accepted. So Esther -that's my friend's name-took my aside and told me, in her own modest-yet-not-so-subtle way, that she had been accepted. I have to admit. I fell for it, although if anyone asks @OICHOWITIS is twitter, I knew she was pullinh my leg :)" 
And that was the April Fools prank played on me. Tell me yours or leave me a link to your own April Fool's prank below and have a wonderful Friday, or Thursday, or whatever day you're reading this post.

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