Monday, May 12, 2014

Bout of Books 10 Goals/Updates/Results

OMG! This is so exciting, in exactly one minute, Bout of Books 10 will start, at least where I live. (This is a scheduled post, and I didn't actually wait until 11:59 to post this, but you get the idea).   

I have participated in Bout of Books before, and have always loved them. This a quarterly (or thirdly, someone correct me) event that is always fun. It's a weeklong event from May 12-18 with mini challenges, twitter chats, and more. Check out the website for all information related to this readathon. If you have already seen my declaration of participation, it is because I have partially revised/updated it so this post will be solely for Bout of Books. The Open House rush iis on, and so are the preparations for hte court cases (don't even ask), bt I am still hoping to read five books, but my real goal would be to read six. 


1. Read 5 Books

2. Review All 5 Books Read

3. R/R a Book I Own

4. R/R 2 Netgalley Books

5. R/R 2 Library Books 




Number of books I've read today: 1

Number of pages I've read today: 288

Total number of books I've read: 1

Books: The One: Kiera Cass

{4:45pm} Tuesday:

Number of books I've read today: 2

Number of pages I've read today: 210

Total number of books I've read: 3

Books: Two Boys Kissing: David Levithan. Breaking Free: Winter Page. 


Number of books I've read today:

Number of pages I've read today:

Total number of books I've read:



Number of books I've read today:

Number of pages I've read today:

Total number of books I've read:



Number of books I've read today:

Number of pages I've read today:

Total number of books I've read:



Number of books I've read today:

Number of pages I've read today:

Total number of books I've read:



Number of books I've read today:

Number of pages I've read today:

Total number of books I've read:


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