Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Books I Have Read So Far in 2014: Top 10 Tuesday (11) 

Top Ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish. This week's topic was so hard.... Because everybody knows I can't choose anything, especially my favorite books. I managed to only have 12 and whiddling it down to 10 which is an absolute miracle for me. By the way, I apologize for weird image format because I'm composing this on an iPad since I'm on vacation. 

Tricks was my latest favorite novel, and I spent the most time pondering if I should include it because of its extreme topic. While there is teen prostitution, Hopkins handles it beautifully, not sugar coating anything, yet not being graphic enough to make it a gripping story. 

Breaking Free was the freshest breath of air I have had in a heck of a long time because of the subject matter, and young author. First of all, Winter Page is a freshman in Highschool, and created this beautiful piece of literature. Second of all, the main character is a TRANSGENDER LESBIAN! I am completely accepting and open to all people, but that is hard to fathom. 

Two Boys Kissing is the only of my favorite books that I haven't written a review for, and am regretting that at this very moment. I might still write one, but this is my opinion in one word. #MINDBLOWN this story follows seven young gay men, and is told in the style of a Greek chorus by other gay men that had died from AIDS. 

The False Prince. I think ANYONE who follows me on twitter can tell you how much I freaking love the Ascendence trilogy. I did spoiler alert/spoiler free reviews for the entire series, and mentioned it multiple times on the blog. The entire thing is heart racing suspense, and all you need to do is go and read it. Preferably at this very moment. 

These Gentle Wounds was a blog tour book that was read a little too close to the tour date if you know what I mean. I have never read any book with a MC with such tight, relatable narration, or with PTSD. Let me tell you, I loved this book so much I started comparing it to food. To know what that crazy fact means, you will just have to read the review. 

Lean In. Okay, I lied. I haven't reviewed "Lean In" either, although I had full intention to do so, and even a whole mini series planned out for it. I still intend to do that, just at a later date. Anyway, this book was so fantastically inspiring for any young woman in the 21st century, and a different perspective for the men of this world. 

TSWSYL. When I asked around on twitter which book I should read, this was hands down, the most voted for. One only needs to read a paragraph of this magnificent novel in order to realize the genius of it, and the quality of writing, and everything else about this book. The only bad part about the entire novel (besides the review that doesn't do it justice) is the title, not because it's bad, but because it's just so darned long. 

Moon at Nine. If anybody remembers my review of this, they will probably gawk at the screen and say, "Why the heck did she put this on the list?" Well, "Moon at Nine" just goes to prove why a book with a lower star rating can still be a person's favorite. Well it is/was because of its unique premise of two lesbians 30 years ago in the Middle East. 

The House of Hades reminded me, yet again, why Rick Riordan is a genius. As I said in my review, I almsot lost Faith in him as an author when I hated Mark of Athena, but gosh darn it (what am I, a hillbilly?), HoH was GOOD. It was such a gripping page turner without much romance, a jump from my usual reads. 

Peaceful Genocide had a name not for the faint of heart, but was amazing all the same. This was one of the best blog tour books I have ever read, and another one of those should-have-read-it-a-lot-earlier-than-I-intended-to-because-of-school. But I am still so glad I read it, and even purchased a copy for my friend for her birthday. 

That was a LONG T10T! Now I want to know from you what some of your favorite books of 2014 were because there is still the latter half to go. Have a great day! ☺️

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