Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A-Z Bookish Survey

Hello my lovelies! I know that I usually do Top Ten Tuesdays on Tuesdays, but I personally disliked this week's topic, but I had this thought, "Why don't I do the bookish survey that was created by one of the hosts of Top Ten Tuesday?" If you didn't know, Jamie is one of the book bloggers over @ The Broke and Bookish as well as her own blog - The Perpetual Page Turner. That's all besides the point because I haven't even told you what the A-Z survey is about. Anyway, there is one bookish question corresponding with every letter of the alphabet. I will try to be brief because as everyone knows (or I hope they do), there are 26 letters of the alphabet/26 questions.

A ~ Author you've read the most books from:

I have read over 20 books by her when I went through this phase where I literally tried to read EVERY SINGLE BOOK she ever wrote, and I semi succeeded because there are only about 5 other books that I haven't read by her.
B ~ Best Sequel Ever:

Is this even a question? I rambled on the entirety of 2013 IRL and online about how much I love this novel and think it is the best thing since sliced bread.
C ~ Currently Reading:

I am reading this book for a blog tour and will be done very soon because of how short it is.
D ~ Drink of choice while reading:

I know a lot of people would respond tea, or coffee, or even wine (even though I can't drink), but I love drinking water through my favorite plastic cup with a straw. I know it sounds like I'm describing a sippy cup, but I swear I'm not.
E ~ eReader or Physical Book?:

Physical Book ALL the way! Don't get me wrong, I love the convenience of eReaders, but there are a thousand reasons (and discussion posts) as to why physical books are my personal preference. Some of which include those pretty covers *drools*
F ~ Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:

I'm not sure how to answer this question

G ~ Glad You Gave This Book A Chance: 

I have the ENTIRE back story as to why I was glad I gave this book a chance on my review *rolls eyes* surprise surprise. But the gist of it is that I picked this up over 3 years ago, thought I would hate it, but ended up loving it even though it was out of my comfort zone by a long shot back then.
H ~ Hidden Gem Book:
Some people may know that I want to be a writer when I grow up, and that I greatly admire people such as Winter Page who have been published by HIGH SCHOOL. I haven't heard much buzz about Breaking Free, but it is one of the best books I have read in the entirety of 2014, and I really wish more people would discover it
I ~ Important Moment in your Reading Life:

The most important moment in my reading life was when I discovered the blogosphere and all the wonderful people in it. Two of those people are Kelly & Jayne. They don't know this, but I modeled almost every element of my blog off of theirs (about me, review format, contact page, etc) and would have been so lost without them.
J ~ Just Finished:
As of Sunday when I'm composing this post, I just finished Winter in the Soul for my blog tour stop on Friday. 

K ~ Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:

I would like to think of myself as a pretty eclectic reader but (as stated in my review policy) I don't read erotica, and I try to stay away from Middle Grade novels because at this stage in my life, I'm not exactly in the mood for quests led by 12 year olds to find magic staffs. One exception to the middle grade thing is that I LOVE the Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan.

L ~ Longest Book You’ve Read:
The longest book I have ever read was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The funny thing is that it was the last HP book I read - purposefully, because it was so long. I was in 2nd grade, and that thing was over 800 pages.
M ~ Major book hangover because of:

I have to be honest that even with some of my favorite books of all time, I have never had a book hangover. If anything, I want to read more so I can experience that extreme rush of adrenaline again that comes with reading an awesome work of literature.

N ~ Number of Bookcases You Own:

I'm not sure how accurate of a picture I can give you of this, but I technically own three.

O ~ One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:

I am not the biggest rereader, but one book was The School Story which I have read around four times. I thought it was just a great, harm warning middle grade novel and inspirational (in 4th grader terms) because the MC wants to become a writer.

P ~ Preferred Place To Read:
I am actually not the pickiest person when it comes to where I read, but I do love reading on both my bed and the balcony.

Q ~ Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you’ve read:

If anyone has seen my Pinterest Boards or Goodreads Quotes they will know that I am a freaking QUOTEAHOLIC. Therefore, I will list some random ones. 

"When you're in college, each book that you read tends to tell you who you are. "

"No two persons ever read the same book."

"Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose."

"It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I meant to read."

"Every book you've ever read is just a different combination of 26 letters." 

"Each day means a new twenty four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it one day at a time."

R ~ Reading Regret:

My reading regret has to be whatever time I forced myself to read a book. I don't mean for school, because that's for a grade, but I am a strong believer in going out and getting what I want and not standing for anything less. What I regret is staying to deal with some books that were not worth my time.

S ~Series You Started And Need To Finish (all books are out in series):

This is the part where I start saying, "CARP" aka. the Sofia Li way of saying crap. There are a boatload of series I have started and not finished. The latest one (as of today) is the Shatter Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi

T ~Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:

How dare you make me try and choose? I am Divergent. I cannot be controlled. I will cheat by listing series, and more than three. See? I can be dauntless as well.

1. The Hunger Games Trilogy: Suzanne Collins ~ this book got me into reading dystopian and opened up a whole new world of excitement, adventure, romance, and astounding literature.

2. The Legend Trilogy: Marie Lu ~ To this day, I don't know the appeal of it, but I am the biggest Legend fangirl on the block and still will always compare characters to June Iparis to determine if they are strong female heroines.

3. Percy Jackson: Rick Riordan ~ What can I say? This is my favorite Middle Grade series of all time. How can anybody help but fall in love with the humor, plot, characters, and everything else. 


4. Harry Potter: J.K. Rowling ~ I think this is on everybody's list, but it's particularly on mine because this is MY Twilight. A lot of BookTubers/Bloggers have admitted that Twilight is what got them into the young adult genre and reading in general. For me - Harry Potter sparked my love and will always hold a special place in my heart.

5. The Mysterious Benedict Society: Trention Lee Stewart ~ These three books are the ones that my mom used to read aloud to me (you are NEVER too old to be read to) and hold such a special place in my heart because of the quirkiness and mystery behind them.

U ~Unapologetic Fangirl For:

Legend by Marie Lu. I AIN'T APOLOGIZIN for my lengthy twitter conversations, bad FanFiction, seeing Marie Lu twice. I love the trilogy and have no shame.

V ~Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:

If I could have any book in my hands at this very minute, it would have to be The Young Elites by Marie Lu. It's scheduled to release October 7, and I am buying that book as soon as you can say Adelina.
W ~Worst Bookish Habit:

I know I'm not alone on this one, but I love reading the last sentence of novels so I can find out what happens.

X ~X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:

The 27th book on my top shelf was The Witch of Blackbird Pond which I have not read, as the top shelf is the one containing all my books on my TBR.

Y ~Your latest book purchase:

My latest physical book purchase was Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas when I went to Barnes & Nobles. My latest eBook purchase was The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider when it was a Kindle Daily Deal.

Z ~ ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):

I have to admit that there haven't been that many books that I forced myself to stay up late for because at a young age, I learned that I NEED my sleep and am not a happy camper if I don't get my sleep. Anyway, it was actually today that I stayed up until almost 4am reading Shatter Me and am so excited to share my thoughts.

Have you done the A-Z Bookish Survey? Does it seem like something you would like to do? If you have, leave me a link or some of your answers in the comments. This isn't a tag persay, but I would love to see +Tina Chan +Mallory Alcala +Nathania Shuttleworth do it.

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