Thursday, July 24, 2014

Addicted to Netflix AND Featured Blogger? Feature and Follow Friday (8)

What is your favorite tv series that you can watch over and over again on Netflix?

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly blog hop hosted by the two lovely lades Alison @ Alison Can Read and Rachel @ Parajunkee. The goal is to have to participants gain more followers and friends by "hopping" around to different blogs and following them, in turn they would follow you back. Every week, two featured bloggers are chosen, and this week, I am featured on Alison Can Read! *throws confetti*


When did you start blogging?

I started blogging a little less than eight months ago on December 8, 2013. When I found out that I could ramble about what I love most to random people on the internet and interact with just as crazy (or more in some cases) fangirls, I immediately jumped on the chance and posted a review (which wasn't very good). 

What is your favorite part of book blogging?

I literally love every moment of book blogging, but my favorite part is when people comment or tweet me about a post. It proves that I'm not just sending random pixels out into cyberspace, and that people are actually reading what I spent time rambling writing. Through seemingly insignificant interaction, I have gained some amazing friends and fellow fangirls who actually understand my obsession with books.  

What type of books do you mainly blog about?

Ninety-five percent of the time, I blog about Young Adult books mostly because those are the books I enjoy reading, and therefore want to tell people about. My two favorite sub-genres are science fiction/dystopian and what could be considered "depressing" contemporary fiction.

What is your favorite book(s)?

I'm lucky this question has the parenthesis because I would have listed more than one anyways. My favorites are The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, The Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu (you know I had to include it), The Ascendence Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and nearly anything written by Laurie Halse Anderson, David Levithan, Andrew Smith, and Ellen Hopkins.

What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?

In order not to repeat myself (otherwise this question would just be a rephrasing of #2), I will say the chance to discover all of these new and old books and authors I would never have even heard about otherwise. I also adore the opportunity to go to book signings and see these amazing creators of some of my favorite characters and worlds in person. 

A few times a year, my mom and I will find a television show on Netflix, and then proceed to rapidly binge watch. I think our record has been five episodes in one sitting, and we can finish a whole season in less than two weeks. I know in terms of binge-watching that isn't too much to brag about. I've heard about people who binge watch an ENTIRE season in one day, and that is just mind-blowing. But the question isn't about how fast we can binge-watch, the question is about our favorites. 

Merlin was one of the very first shows in our binge-watching careers, and we sped through the first four season in around 3 months. Then, we bit our nails in anticipation until Season 5 was uploaded onto Netflix. So obviously, I re-watched a lot of my favorite episodes from season 1-4 while waiting for the fifth season.
White Collar HAS to be my favorite Netflix show of all time. Neal Caffrey is a vision of swoons, and the premise -art thief/forger must help FBI in order to serve his time- of the show is perfect. It is also perfect for re-watching episodes because while there is an underlying story throughout the series, each episode is its own crime. 
Now I can't list Netflix shows without listing Sherlock as one of them. Even though I was pretty late to jump on the bandwagon, I finally saw the show and was hooked. The only problem is that the "Seasons" are extremely short. You know what that means.... more re-watching! I simply adore the dynamics between John and Sherlock, and the way their peculiar relationship works.

What are some of your favorite Netflix shows you can watch over and over again? I'm always on the lookout for more shows to watch so I can continue being an introverted fangirl. Tell me in the comments below or link to your own post. I would love to hear from you and don't forget to follow :)

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