Thursday, July 17, 2014

#Tea Time #69 Rewind ~ When I Curse My Parents For Not Moving Us to New Jersey

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to my first ever Tea Time Rewind! This will be a bi-weekly (until Fall begins and then it will be weekly) feature on Loving the Language of Literacy where I will be reacting and recapping all the insanity that has happened every #TeaTime which takes place on Wednesdays around 1pm PST.


What is #TeaTime?

If you have been living under a rock -which I won't judge you if you have been since I hadn't known Tea Time existed 6 months ago- #TeaTime is a weekly Liveshow/Google Hangout that Margo and Aubrey -the two amazing Book Nerds that run a lot of things on both the Epic Reads Website and YouTube Channel- lead discussions and tell us Bookish People about news surrounding YA novels. This includes new and upcoming releases, cover reveals, tour dates, derp faces, and overall Fangirling - not to discriminate if you are a boy, but Aubrey and Margo are most definitely girls.

Why am I writing this post?

Well, Sofia (she must still be hyped up about #TeaTime considering that she's speaking in third person) is writing this because Margo and Aubrey suggested that all of us Crumpets (fans of Tea Time) start making recap videos (or posts in my case) about what has been discussed during #TeaTime because of how much YouTube and Twitter blow up so much during the Liveshow. The two of them can't possibly pay attention to every comment and tweet, so this is a chance for us to discuss amongst ourselves and share the overall love of bookish things.  

What Book am I Currently Reading?

I am currently reading The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. There has been SO much buzz about this novel, both positive and negative, and I had to borrow it from the library so I can join in the conversations, and make my own judgements. I haven't gotten very far yet, but Cassie has the potential to be a kickass female lead, and the earth being taken over by aliens is an extremely exciting (yet daunting) topic to read about. 

What is the Most Random Thing I Have Used as 
a Bookmark?

The most random thing I have ever used is a hairbrush. Yes, you heard that correctly.... a hairbrush. Aubrey and Margo actually read my comment, and I had a major Crumpet Moment when they did. The two of them were quite puzzled with this statement, and thought I used a comb, or used a very thin and small one. As you can see in the image above, that is not the case. The question was randomness, not most useful. 

What are some EPIC and some FAILED YA Book 
to Movie Adaptations?

My feelings on Movie Adaptations in general are quite mixed because while I would kill to see some of my favorite books translated to the silver screen, I also cringe and attempt to hide behind my hands in shame (pictured above) when they are done poorly. 

Epic Reads Tour

There are FIVE stops on the Fall 2014 Epic Reads Tour featuring those five lovely books pictured above! Sadly, the tour is not stopping by LA *sniffs audibly in corner* which is why the title of this post is about me wishing my parents had moved to New Jersey. Even if you don't live in one of the five cities the tour is stopping in, there is an Epic Reads Sweepstakes where some lucky Crumpet and their friend will be flown to New Jersey for the tour. All details are found in the post where you can enter to win.

10/7 – Princeton, NJ (B&N Princeton) @ 6:00 PM 
10/8 – Lansing, MI (Schuler’s) @ 6:00 PM 
10/9 – Minneapolis, MN (Wild Rumpus) @ 6:00 PM 
10/10 – Salt Lake City, UT (King’s English) @ 7:00 PM 
10/11 – Phoenix, AZ (B&N Phoenix) @ 3:00 PM 

Aubrey and Margo.... My Idols

Before I get into my Crumpet Fangirling. I want someone to tell me if that is the way Aubrey spells her name, because it might be -ie or -ey, and I would rather know sooner than later. Also, do you know that annoying, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" question? Well, I finally have a definite (although unrealistic) answer. I would want to be the next Aubrey or Margo for Epic Reads, or whatever website there is in the future. Their job is an ABSOLUTE DREAM. They get to do #TeaTime, Book Nerd Problems, run the website, meet authors, read books, and basically be full-time Fangirls. And they get PAID! If there is an opening at Epic Reads, sign me up.

See You Next Time!!!

I LOVED writing this post and think it might become my favorite of the week, and I hoped you enjoyed reading it as well. From now on, my #Tea Time Rewind will go live every Thursday at 12am PST. The format/overall appearance will also be different because I will also be writing my thoughts/answering questions when the show is live or whenever I'm watching it. This way, I won't miss any important points (I only covered the specific questions), and then, of course, I will reformat it so it will be perty.

Anyway, if you wrote/filmed a #Tea Time Rewind post/video, link it in the comments below so I can like/share/comment on it. If you haven't, just answer the questions because I want to know your thoughts and opinions about movie adaptations, bookmarks, and (obviously) books.

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