Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing This Year | Top Ten Tuesday (14)

I haven't done one of these in FOREVER
In case you were scrambling for a last-minute Christmas gift for me, Sofia Li, I have an Amazon Wishlist (to all of you relatives out there who are obviously not reading this post). So most of these books come from this list. They're a mix of old and new releases, YA and Adult in my quest to become a more diverse reader in 2015.

I read my first Morgan Matson book in November and I CANNOT wait  to read another. The premise is terrific and the dust jacket is astounding (have you seen the image on the other side) and the naked book is simply gorgeous. I haven't read a good "finding yourself" awkward cutesy romance in so long and I think this would be the perfect choice.
There has been so much hype surrounding this novel and I am dying to read it. There's another stunning cover and I cannot wait to read the dynamic between a pair of twins.... especially with the slight mystery surrounding the entire premise.
The concept behind this seems like perfection with the paranormal mystery aspect behind it. It's Libba Bray's most highly praised novel and I am so looking forward to finding out why.... even if I have to end up buying it for myself.
I can't deny the fact that the number one reason I want to read this novel is because of how much Regan from Peruse Project has been encouraging everyone to read it. The fact that it's about a blind girl who makes friends with a boy in the Hitler Youth makes me want to read it so badly.
One of my best Twitter friends encouraged me to read this book. It sounds like it would be an astoundingly fast-paced thriller of a dystopian and I have a feeling it will be gain popularity.... or become one of my new obsessions.
There's a main character who almost blows up his entire school. It's unlike any other YA contemporaries of the 21st century. Yes, Pu-lease!
I seem to be the only human bean (I'm aware of the mispelling) in this universe who has not read and fallen in love with a stephanie perkins novel. I can't wait to see what everyone else has been fangirling about for ages and I can fall for E'tienne St. Clair.
I actually already own this as an ebook, but the cover is just so gorgeous that I would definitely not mind a print copy and I'm currently reading this at the time I am writing this post.
I cannot wait to plunge into the world known as Outlander and get all of the thrills from Jamie Fraiser. I'm most definitely due for a new book boyfriend and a scotish man from the 1800s would not be disagreeable.
I have been waiting to read this freaking book since before it came out in March and I have still not dragged myself over to the nearest B&N so I can purchase and read the darn thing.
What books are on YOUR Christmas wishlist?

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