Sunday, May 25, 2014

*GASPS* I'm going on a Mini-Hiatus? : The Sunday Post (9) + Stacking the Shelves (1)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer where one talks about what they did this week, what books they obtained, general blog news.

Loving the Language of Literacy Lookback:

Loving the Language of Literacy Lookout:

  • School is out this week! I cannot explain to you how freaking excited I am for this fact. What this also means is more time for reading, blogging, and fun in general. Joyce gave me a ton of awesome post ideas and there are going to be a ton of new series coming up on the blog.
  • Eli @ Reality Lapse and Jessica @ Fly to Fiction are doing this amazing program called Book Bloggers and the Fandom Wars #BBFandomWars which is such a fun idea, and you should definitely sign up. I know the two ladies have worked extremely hard for this, and I also know they will make it as fun as possible.
  • A lot of people have done blog posts about this, but SYNC is offering a TWO free audiobooks every week until August 20th, so take advantage of these great deals. Side note: I downloaded this week's book "Cruel Beauty" by Rosamond Hodge and am already IN LOVE with the story and will be posting my review very soon.
  • Yesterday, you were given a glimpse of my four post series called "The Journey to Fortitude" which is super exciting. Everything, including the appearance, background info, and (of course) the backstory can be found in this post. 

  • Oh my freaking god, Armchair BEA is this week. Since I can't make it to BEA itself, Armchair sounds like such a fun way to take part in the festivities, so there will be 5 days worth of craziness from yours truly. I hope to take advantage of this, and make some more friends, discover some awesome blogs, and so forth.

  • I'm sure you are all wondering what I mean about the "*GASPS* I'm going on a Mini-Hiatus?" part of this post's title. Well I'm here to confirm the statement, I am going on a mini hiatus, but I will still be active on the blog. I will be on vacation from the 29th of May to the 11th of June. I don't know exactly how much time I will have for blogging during that time, which is why I have posts scheduled. I also asked the amazing (seriously, she's a lifesaver) Tina @ The Book Landers to (this is actually how I put it in my email) "babysit " my blog for me just to see if all the posts go up on the right days, and not incomplete, because I do have a tendency to do that.
  • Also, because I will be gone for that time, and I don't want to schedule THAT many posts, I have a few guest posts scheduled from a few weirdos I actually want to call my friends. These are their short bios I asked them to write.
  • This is my friend Aurora's bio. She is not only providing guest posts for while I'm on vacation, but she will also have one post a week on Loving the Language of Literacy because she wanted to see what it would be like blogging without having the make the full time commitment or work with somebody that she does't know (although I'm not that much better). 
  • Hi guys! You can call me Aura. :)
  • I guess you can call me a reader, despite the fact that I'm quite picky with just about everything, including food, activities, and yes, even books. Anyhow, some of you may know my Instagram fandom account, and I'll let you keep guessing until the end of this bio.
  • My absolute favorite book series is the Lorien Legacies. If you haven't heard of that, I won't blame you...but you should know about it. And read it.
  • So I'm going to conclude with all my book fandoms, from first to most recent: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent, Legend, Lorien Legacies, Mortal Instruments, The Fault in Our Stars, The Fifth Wave, Fangirl, Infernal Devices, and Looking For Alaska. (As of writing this bio, I'm currently reading Unsouled--the third book of the Unwind Dystology).
  • My links include the following:
  • (Yep! Some of you may know me as lorictribute78!)
  • (I'm on IG more often btw)
  • This is my friend Joyce's bio and she's just doing this for while I'm gone and may contribute posts in the future for occasions like this if I bat my puppy dog eyes.
  • Hey, this is Joyce, and I'll be writing some posts for Sofia whenever she's out or when she doesn't like you guys anymore (jk). I was born on Valentine's Day in SoCal, and I love bite marks and strawberry smoothies (THEY ARE TO DIE FOR). I love anime (i will not talk to you if you don't, jk), books, and good music (LISTEN TO MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS PLEASE). i'm fairly nice most of the time, but if you take my food, i can't guarantee that you'll walk out unscathed. And by that, I mean that you will find yourself with some bite marks and a black eye. :) That's it for now.
  • Peace out,
  • Joyce
Books Read This Week:
I didn't have the most successful reading week ever because I am still suffering from a MAJOR book hangover because of the book Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. This book.... the quote review is going live sometime next week, and I can't begin to describe it. It has a very morbid concept, but captured me with its unique writing style and received 5 Ink Jars. I also read Curses and Smoke: A Novel of Pompeii by Vicky Alvear Shectar which is being published on the 27th of May. This was a 2 Ink Jar book for many reasons, mainly because it frustrated me to death. I also just finished reading Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King. This book started out really strong for me, the narrator amazing, vivid, and honest but eventually was just "eh" and is being rated 3 Ink Jars. 

Language of Literacy Loves:
If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you may know that I am TERRIBLE with names, but basically, this is a new feature where I will feature some of my favorite posts around the blogosphere this week. 

Quote of the Week:
This is also a new mini feature included in The Sundau Post where I will mention one of my favorite quotes from a book I read this week. And yes, you guessed it, this week's quote is from Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. This is just one of the many quotes I will be using for next week's quote review (sample here) that I am dying to write.

Album of the Week
Another new mini feature where I feature my favorite album I have been listening to that week. This week, Kina Grannis's original album -Elements- was released, and I was pleasantly surprised. Her voice is extremely unique, and her sound alternative and almost tribal in some songs. In two weeks a Media Mondays review is going live for it.

Random Story of the Week:
This mini feature is exactly what the title is called.... a random story.... from my week. This week's random story is how I came up with this feature. So my friend had invited me to visit her church's youth group, and one of the opening ice breakers was to introduce everyone, but before that, the head counselor HAD to tell us his random story of the week. My memory is bad, but I do remember just standing there, mouth agape, wondering what the heck he was talking about. It was about his mom wanting bananas, and a ladder. It was crazy and random. So that is how I came up with this feature.

"Stacking the Shelves" is a meme when you list the books you've added to your shelves, virtual, physical, or whatever shape or form you get them. I am now combining "Stacking the Shelves" with the "Sunday Post" because it is so much a personal preference about when and what you post "Stacking the Shelves" with. As people may know, “Stacking the Shelves” posts are hosted by “Tynga's Reviews”  

{Disclaimer: I am in no means trying to brag about what I got, and merely shared this post for the benefit of my followers seeing what I purchased, and as a favor to the lovely people that sent me things. My haul is also rather large this particular week because it is cumulative from the past month or so}

Some of you that live in the Long Beach area of SoCal might know about the $1 used bookstore. Otherwise known as one of the best book stores ever. It's tucked away behind the ferris wheel and was a completely random find the last time I went to Long Beach. It's the amazingly chaotic place where there is row upon row of books and every single on of them is a dollar. There are even hardcover books that look to be almost new for a dollar. Of course nothing is organized, and books are on every random surface, but that's what makes this place so fun. You never know what you're going to find. In a few minutes, I picked up five books, four which I have not read previously.

My friend Catherine also lent me the book Slated by Terry and I am very excited to sink my teeth into it.

I also obtained Cruel Beauty by Rosamond Hodge as well as Oedipus the King from SYNC Audiobooks and my first audiobook review is going live soon.

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